Datarmatics Integrated Services Limited--DIGITAL RESEARCH WORLD

To mitigate the negative impact of digital statistical illiteracy on the graduate students' school progress and lecturers' research activities ...DIGITAL RESEARCH WORLD...offer research advice on methodology and guide graduate students/all researchers to use computer statistical packages (SPSS, E-view, Matlab, ingraph etc) to compute Reliability test, Descriptive statistics(Mean, Mode, Median, Frequency, Percentages, sd, Skweness, etc.; inferential statistics.

Datarmatics Integrated Services Limited (a.k.a Digital Research World) offers research advice on research report, methodology and guide graduate students to use advanced computer statistical packages (SPSS, E-view, Matlab, ingraph etc) to compute:

·       Reliability test: Cronbach Alpha, test-retest, Split-half, etc
·       Descriptive statistics: Mean, Mode, Median, etc
·       Parametric Inferential statistics: t-test, z-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, posthoc test, Regression, Correlation etc
·       Nonparametric inferential statistics: Chi-square test, Manwhitey, Kruskal-walis, Komogrov etc on raw data.


GSM: 08037236497, 07052311825, 08098443670   or
