Smallest six-year-old in world meets GIANT RABBIT with 'ears the size of bananas'...!

She may be the smallest girl in the world, but Charlotte Garside gives the biggest hugs – even when sat next to huge rabbits.

Weighing just 9lbs, the six-year-old showed no fear when cosying up to a continental giant rabbit, which can grow up to 31 inches long.

Charlotte, who is just under 28 inches tall, was enjoying a day out with her mum Emma, 31, and nine-year-old sister Sophie at Big Sheep & Little Cow farm in Bedale, Yorks.

Emma said: “Charlotte absolutely loves animals and she was really taken with the rabbit - she was shocked by his size.

"Even his ears were huge - as big as bananas.

“Charlotte couldn’t hold him because he weighed so much more than her. He was a heavy as a six-month-old child.”

The outing comes a year after Charlotte, from Withernsea, East Yorks, started mainstream primary school for the first time.

The day was a huge milestone for Emma and her partner Scott, 27, who were warned that their daughter could have died before the age of one.

When she was born, Charlotte weighed less than 2lbs and, at 25cm tall, only dolls’ clothes and nappies the size of a credit card would fit her.

Since then the dedicated parents have striven to make sure their daughter has a normal life.

Charlotte is now in her second year at mainstream Easington Primary School, near Hull, and she is proving just as popular with staff and pupils alike.

But Emma and Scott now face moving their daughter to a specialist school.

Emma said: “Charlotte has come along leaps and bounds when it comes to her social skills and learning a routine but she’s behind in lessons. She still has the mind of an 18-month-old.

“I’m dreading the day because Charlotte loves the school and I know 95 per cent of the staff and pupils will be crying when she leaves.”

Charlotte’s incredible story appears in a new TLC UK series. Born with an Extra Body: Body Bizarre, airs at 10pm on Monday November 25th.
