Despite rumors that Real Housewives of Beverly Hills producers were planning to replace several of the show’s stars, Kyle Richards and Yolanda Foster reveal to In Touch that they will be returning!
“Yes, [we’ll] be back,” Kyle confirms, but refuses to dish on the rest of the gang. (Newbies Joyce Giraud and Carlton Gebbia have reportedly both been axed.) In fact, “I’m ready to go back,” she adds.
“We began filming [the new season] a few days ago,” Yolanda explains to the mag, adding that while there has yet to be any hairpulling, she’s sure chaos and drama will ensue. “It’ll be great. Things always start off slow in the beginning.”-IN TOUCH WEEKLY
“Yes, [we’ll] be back,” Kyle confirms, but refuses to dish on the rest of the gang. (Newbies Joyce Giraud and Carlton Gebbia have reportedly both been axed.) In fact, “I’m ready to go back,” she adds.
“We began filming [the new season] a few days ago,” Yolanda explains to the mag, adding that while there has yet to be any hairpulling, she’s sure chaos and drama will ensue. “It’ll be great. Things always start off slow in the beginning.”-IN TOUCH WEEKLY
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